Tomatoes for the Neighbourhood

All home growers would agree that its one of the most exciting veggy we all want to grow. Be its bright colour or beauty or a more than a hundreds way to use it raw and cooked or just the love for tomatoes, most of us are super thrilled to see the red bunches hanging in the garden. Unlike easy greens, fruiting plants and specially tomatoes need a little expertise in care to bring success. Of all, I myself took a few years to get the hang of it and still learning. So here are a few tomato hacks I slowly learnt over the years that will help you bring a bumper harvest.
Like they say,” teach a man to garden and the whole neighbourhood will get tomatoes.” And that is going to be perfectly true once your really get these hacks into practice its one crops that gives you a raining harvest all through the crop cycle. And once you are tired of enjoying salads and gravies, making dips and chutneys, sun dry them to keep, freeze them for summer, you will still have them enough for neighbours.

6 Hacks for Growing Tomatoes
1. Perfect Soil Mix

Tomatoes love well drained, slightly acidic soil that high in nutrient value. So make your soil mix rich in compost when you start. Give a side dressing once or twice through the season. Add calcium and phosphorous rich bone-meal or egg shells before flowering time.
2. Plant it Right

3. Remove Suckers

4. Pinching

5. Stake them Early

6. Clear Lower Leaves