Greenstreet has pioneered developing a green living curriculum for school children in order to develop sustainable mindset and green living as a natural lifestyle for the coming generations. We believe that responsible living has to come naturally rather, enforced and needs to be inculcated as a necessary life skill for survival in times to come. The route and essence followed is deep love and gratitude for nature and learn the traditional ways of co existence. The lesson plans will be customized as per individual requirements of individual institutions.
Aim of the Curriculum
- Developing a feeling of love and respect for all elements of nature.
- To aim at sustainable lifestyle and green living as a default lifestyle for the coming generations.
- To understand the importance of growing food as the start point of reversing environmental degradation and health hazards for all.
- To understand the cyclic flow in all natural elements and resources
- To revive traditional wisdom of scientific and natural living and blend it in urban lifestyle of younger generations.
- To align student understanding with UN Sustainable Development Goals