Don’ts of a Winter Garden

A s the seasons change so does a gardener’s heart. While Autumn brings somewhat cooler days and excitement of preparing a winter garden, the winter bells make us skip a beat when we think of the harsh days ahead. We as caretakers begin to worry how our plant babies are gonna brave the freezing temperatures and the chilly winds.
Not to worry! There are some easy simple tips that will help you protect your green buddies through the season, year after year. And the real trick here is that though the winter sun invites you to spend more times outdoors, you got to actually garden less and enjoy more.
Dont’s for a Winter Garden
Avoid buying new plants after winter sets in as new ones struggle to survive extreme conditions

Do not feed your perennials as this is not growth period for most of them

Don’t water your plants in the evening as plant parts do not dry out for the next 15 hours leading to leaf rot, disease and pests

Never over water in this period as soggy soil may not dry out for days leading to root rot.
Don’t dig or turn the soil as lower layers will be exposed to freezing temperatures

Avoid pruning in this season as plants will not throw new growth.

Do not snip off dead ends in perennials as that is plant’s way of sealing and protecting itself from cold

Never leave summer loving plants without white shade to protect from frost.

Don’t let your plants to be lonely or solo. Cuddled together keeps them protected from harsh winds.